Friday, January 23, 2015

Anansi: Input

For the input we use the mechanism from the prototype, it's perfectly fine. As mentioned earlier we use a bitset to know if the user keeps a key being pressed.

I modified the code a bit so that we can add and remove the listener. The listener will have to be removed once the game is over.

A dedicated class for the input handler allows us to create another instance of it. This way it should be easy to assign another instance to a second player which gives us the freedom of creating a multiplayer game with only a few additional lines of code.

I'll leave the key codes hardcoded for now. In the end we'll use custom configurations per player.

Here's the keyboard handler:

public class Input {

  * Bitset which registers if any {@link KeyCode} keeps being pressed or if it is released.
  * Note: ordinal may be not appropriate, but we don't have a method in {@link KeyCode} to get the int code, so it'll have to do 
 private BitSet keyboardBitSet = new BitSet();

 // -------------------------------------------------
 // default key codes
 // we will vary them later when we let the user customize the key codes or when we add support for a 2nd player
 // -------------------------------------------------
 private KeyCode upKey = KeyCode.UP;
 private KeyCode downKey = KeyCode.DOWN;
 private KeyCode leftKey = KeyCode.LEFT;
 private KeyCode rightKey = KeyCode.RIGHT;
 private KeyCode primaryWeaponKey = KeyCode.SPACE;
 private KeyCode secondaryWeaponKey = KeyCode.CONTROL;
 Scene scene;
 public Input( Scene scene) {
  this.scene = scene;
 public void addListeners() {
  scene.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, keyPressedEventHandler);
  scene.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, keyReleasedEventHandler);

 public void removeListeners() {
  scene.removeEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, keyPressedEventHandler);
  scene.removeEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, keyReleasedEventHandler);

  * "Key Pressed" handler for all input events: register pressed key in the bitset
 private EventHandler keyPressedEventHandler = new EventHandler() {
  public void handle(KeyEvent event) {
   // register key down
   keyboardBitSet.set(event.getCode().ordinal(), true);
  * "Key Released" handler for all input events: unregister released key in the bitset
 private EventHandler keyReleasedEventHandler = new EventHandler() {
  public void handle(KeyEvent event) {
   // register key up
   keyboardBitSet.set(event.getCode().ordinal(), false);

 // -------------------------------------------------
 // Evaluate bitset of pressed keys and return the player input.
 // If direction and its opposite direction are pressed simultaneously, then the direction isn't handled.
 // -------------------------------------------------
 public boolean isMoveUp() {
  return keyboardBitSet.get( upKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( downKey.ordinal());
 public boolean isMoveDown() {
  return keyboardBitSet.get( downKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( upKey.ordinal());

 public boolean isMoveLeft() {
  return keyboardBitSet.get( leftKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( rightKey.ordinal()); 

 public boolean isMoveRight() {
  return keyboardBitSet.get( rightKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( leftKey.ordinal());

 public boolean isFirePrimaryWeapon() {
  return keyboardBitSet.get( primaryWeaponKey.ordinal());
 public boolean isFireSecondaryWeapon() {
  return keyboardBitSet.get( secondaryWeaponKey.ordinal());

 // -------------------------------------------------
 // getters & setters for key code modification (more players, user key settings change)
 // -------------------------------------------------

ps: blogspot seems to modify the code, so please ignore the </keyevent> text and replace keyevent with KeyEvent; I'll put up the code elsewhere later.

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