Friday, May 15, 2015

Simple Game Engine: Top-Down Scrolling Game in JavaFX

Someone asked on StackOverflow How do I move a sprite across a screen? I thought I'd help and create a minimalistic engine from our Anansi engine. It demonstates the necessary areas that you need to cover when you create a game.

This blog post is a recap of what we've learned so far.

We need a main class in which we load the game, create the scene and which contains the game loop for

  • input check
  • move player sprites
  • create and move AI sprites
  • check sprite collision
  • update sprites in the UI
  • update score

public class Game extends Application {

    Random rnd = new Random();

    Pane playfieldLayer;
    Pane scoreLayer;

    Image playerImage;
    Image enemyImage;

    List<Player> players = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Enemy> enemies = new ArrayList<>();

    Text collisionText = new Text();
    boolean collision = false;

    Scene scene;

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {

        Group root = new Group();

        // create layers
        playfieldLayer = new Pane();
        scoreLayer = new Pane();

        root.getChildren().add( playfieldLayer);
        root.getChildren().add( scoreLayer);

        scene = new Scene( root, Settings.SCENE_WIDTH, Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT);

        primaryStage.setScene( scene);;



        AnimationTimer gameLoop = new AnimationTimer() {

            public void handle(long now) {

                // player input
                players.forEach(sprite -> sprite.processInput());

                // add random enemies
                spawnEnemies( true);

                // movement
                players.forEach(sprite -> sprite.move());
                enemies.forEach(sprite -> sprite.move());

                // check collisions

                // update sprites in scene
                players.forEach(sprite -> sprite.updateUI());
                enemies.forEach(sprite -> sprite.updateUI());

                // check if sprite can be removed
                enemies.forEach(sprite -> sprite.checkRemovability());

                // remove removables from list, layer, etc
                removeSprites( enemies);

                // update score, health, etc



    private void loadGame() {
        playerImage = new Image( getClass().getResource("player.png").toExternalForm());
        enemyImage = new Image( getClass().getResource("enemy.png").toExternalForm());

    private void createScoreLayer() {

        collisionText.setFont( Font.font( null, FontWeight.BOLD, 64));

        scoreLayer.getChildren().add( collisionText);

        // TODO: quick-hack to ensure the text is centered; usually you don't have that; instead you have a health bar on top
        double x = (Settings.SCENE_WIDTH - collisionText.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth()) / 2;
        double y = (Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT - collisionText.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight()) / 2;
        collisionText.relocate(x, y);


    private void createPlayers() {

        // player input
        Input input = new Input( scene);

        // register input listeners
        input.addListeners(); // TODO: remove listeners on game over

        Image image = playerImage;

        // center horizontally, position at 70% vertically
        double x = (Settings.SCENE_WIDTH - image.getWidth()) / 2.0;
        double y = Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT * 0.7;

        // create player
        Player player = new Player(playfieldLayer, image, x, y, 0, 0, 0, 0, Settings.PLAYER_HEALTH, 0, Settings.PLAYER_SPEED, input);

        // register player
        players.add( player);


    private void spawnEnemies( boolean random) {

        if( random && rnd.nextInt(Settings.ENEMY_SPAWN_RANDOMNESS) != 0) {

        // image
        Image image = enemyImage;

        // random speed
        double speed = rnd.nextDouble() * 1.0 + 2.0;

        // x position range: enemy is always fully inside the screen, no part of it is outside
        // y position: right on top of the view, so that it becomes visible with the next game iteration
        double x = rnd.nextDouble() * (Settings.SCENE_WIDTH - image.getWidth());
        double y = -image.getHeight();

        // create a sprite
        Enemy enemy = new Enemy( playfieldLayer, image, x, y, 0, 0, speed, 0, 1,1);

        // manage sprite
        enemies.add( enemy);


    private void removeSprites(  List<? extends SpriteBase> spriteList) {
        Iterator<? extends SpriteBase> iter = spriteList.iterator();
        while( iter.hasNext()) {
            SpriteBase sprite =;

            if( sprite.isRemovable()) {

                // remove from layer

                // remove from list

    private void checkCollisions() {

        collision = false;

        for( Player player: players) {
            for( Enemy enemy: enemies) {
                if( player.collidesWith(enemy)) {
                    collision = true;

    private void updateScore() {
        if( collision) {
        } else {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


Then we need a base class for sprites. The class unifies the common mechanisms that every movable object on the screen has. The sprites have attributes like

  • layout (usually an image)
  • position and rotation
  • health
  • damage they can cause

We provide methods for accessing and modifying these attributes. Specific changes are overridden in the Subclasses like Player and Enemy.

public abstract class SpriteBase {

    Image image;
    ImageView imageView;

    Pane layer;

    double x;
    double y;
    double r;

    double dx;
    double dy;
    double dr;

    double health;
    double damage;

    boolean removable = false;

    double w;
    double h;

    boolean canMove = true;

    public SpriteBase(Pane layer, Image image, double x, double y, double r, double dx, double dy, double dr, double health, double damage) {

        this.layer = layer;
        this.image = image;
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.r = r;
        this.dx = dx;
        this.dy = dy;
        this.dr = dr; = health;
        this.damage = damage;

        this.imageView = new ImageView(image);
        this.imageView.relocate(x, y);

        this.w = image.getWidth(); // imageView.getBoundsInParent().getWidth();
        this.h = image.getHeight(); // imageView.getBoundsInParent().getHeight();



    public void addToLayer() {

    public void removeFromLayer() {

    public Pane getLayer() {
        return layer;

    public void setLayer(Pane layer) {
        this.layer = layer;

    public double getX() {
        return x;

    public void setX(double x) {
        this.x = x;

    public double getY() {
        return y;

    public void setY(double y) {
        this.y = y;

    public double getR() {
        return r;

    public void setR(double r) {
        this.r = r;

    public double getDx() {
        return dx;

    public void setDx(double dx) {
        this.dx = dx;

    public double getDy() {
        return dy;

    public void setDy(double dy) {
        this.dy = dy;

    public double getDr() {
        return dr;

    public void setDr(double dr) {
        this.dr = dr;

    public double getHealth() {
        return health;

    public double getDamage() {
        return damage;

    public void setDamage(double damage) {
        this.damage = damage;

    public void setHealth(double health) { = health;

    public boolean isRemovable() {
        return removable;

    public void setRemovable(boolean removable) {
        this.removable = removable;

    public void move() {

        if( !canMove)

        x += dx;
        y += dy;
        r += dr;


    public boolean isAlive() {
        return, 0) > 0;

    public ImageView getView() {
        return imageView;

    public void updateUI() {

        imageView.relocate(x, y);


    public double getWidth() {
        return w;

    public double getHeight() {
        return h;

    public double getCenterX() {
        return x + w * 0.5;

    public double getCenterY() {
        return y + h * 0.5;

    // TODO: per-pixel-collision
    public boolean collidesWith( SpriteBase otherSprite) {

        return ( otherSprite.x + otherSprite.w >= x && otherSprite.y + otherSprite.h >= y && otherSprite.x <= x + w && otherSprite.y <= y + h);


     * Reduce health by the amount of damage that the given sprite can inflict
     * @param sprite
    public void getDamagedBy( SpriteBase sprite) {
        health -= sprite.getDamage();

     * Set health to 0
    public void kill() {
        setHealth( 0);

     * Set flag that the sprite can be removed from the UI.
    public void remove() {

     * Set flag that the sprite can't move anymore.
    public void stopMovement() {
        this.canMove = false;

    public abstract void checkRemovability();


Every sprite has some kind of AI. The player sprite's AI is the user, we evaluate the user's input.
public class Player extends SpriteBase {

    double playerShipMinX;
    double playerShipMaxX;
    double playerShipMinY;
    double playerShipMaxY;

    Input input;

    double speed;

    public Player(Pane layer, Image image, double x, double y, double r, double dx, double dy, double dr, double health, double damage, double speed, Input input) {

        super(layer, image, x, y, r, dx, dy, dr, health, damage);

        this.speed = speed;
        this.input = input;


    private void init() {

        // calculate movement bounds of the player ship
        // allow half of the ship to be outside of the screen 
        playerShipMinX = 0 - image.getWidth() / 2.0;
        playerShipMaxX = Settings.SCENE_WIDTH - image.getWidth() / 2.0;
        playerShipMinY = 0 - image.getHeight() / 2.0;
        playerShipMaxY = Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT -image.getHeight() / 2.0;


    public void processInput() {

        // ------------------------------------
        // movement
        // ------------------------------------

        // vertical direction
        if( input.isMoveUp()) {
            dy = -speed;
        } else if( input.isMoveDown()) {
            dy = speed;
        } else {
            dy = 0d;

        // horizontal direction
        if( input.isMoveLeft()) {
            dx = -speed;
        } else if( input.isMoveRight()) {
            dx = speed;
        } else {
            dx = 0d;


    public void move() {


        // ensure the ship can't move outside of the screen


    private void checkBounds() {

        // vertical
        if( y, playerShipMinY) < 0) {
            y = playerShipMinY;
        } else if(, playerShipMaxY) > 0) {
            y = playerShipMaxY;

        // horizontal
        if( x, playerShipMinX) < 0) {
            x = playerShipMinX;
        } else if(, playerShipMaxX) > 0) {
            x = playerShipMaxX;



The enemy sprites in our simple engine just move from one direction to the other.
public class Enemy extends SpriteBase {

    public Enemy(Pane layer, Image image, double x, double y, double r, double dx, double dy, double dr, double health, double damage) {
        super(layer, image, x, y, r, dx, dy, dr, health, damage);

    public void checkRemovability() {

        if( getY(), Settings.SCENE_HEIGHT) > 0) {


Then we need an input mechanism. We create a dedicated class for that so that we can easily create various instances in case we'd like to create a multiplayer game.
public class Input {

     * Bitset which registers if any {@link KeyCode} keeps being pressed or if it is released.
    private BitSet keyboardBitSet = new BitSet();

    // -------------------------------------------------
    // default key codes
    // will vary when you let the user customize the key codes or when you add support for a 2nd player
    // -------------------------------------------------

    private KeyCode upKey = KeyCode.UP;
    private KeyCode downKey = KeyCode.DOWN;
    private KeyCode leftKey = KeyCode.LEFT;
    private KeyCode rightKey = KeyCode.RIGHT;
    private KeyCode primaryWeaponKey = KeyCode.SPACE;
    private KeyCode secondaryWeaponKey = KeyCode.CONTROL;

    Scene scene;

    public Input( Scene scene) {
        this.scene = scene;

    public void addListeners() {

        scene.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, keyPressedEventHandler);
        scene.addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, keyReleasedEventHandler);


    public void removeListeners() {

        scene.removeEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, keyPressedEventHandler);
        scene.removeEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, keyReleasedEventHandler);


     * "Key Pressed" handler for all input events: register pressed key in the bitset
    private EventHandler<KeyEvent> keyPressedEventHandler = new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
        public void handle(KeyEvent event) {

            // register key down
            keyboardBitSet.set(event.getCode().ordinal(), true);


     * "Key Released" handler for all input events: unregister released key in the bitset
    private EventHandler<KeyEvent> keyReleasedEventHandler = new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
        public void handle(KeyEvent event) {

            // register key up
            keyboardBitSet.set(event.getCode().ordinal(), false);


    // -------------------------------------------------
    // Evaluate bitset of pressed keys and return the player input.
    // If direction and its opposite direction are pressed simultaneously, then the direction isn't handled.
    // -------------------------------------------------

    public boolean isMoveUp() {
        return keyboardBitSet.get( upKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( downKey.ordinal());

    public boolean isMoveDown() {
        return keyboardBitSet.get( downKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( upKey.ordinal());

    public boolean isMoveLeft() {
        return keyboardBitSet.get( leftKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( rightKey.ordinal());  

    public boolean isMoveRight() {
        return keyboardBitSet.get( rightKey.ordinal()) && !keyboardBitSet.get( leftKey.ordinal());

    public boolean isFirePrimaryWeapon() {
        return keyboardBitSet.get( primaryWeaponKey.ordinal());

    public boolean isFireSecondaryWeapon() {
        return keyboardBitSet.get( secondaryWeaponKey.ordinal());


And then we need some special settings in which we store the attributes of our game.
public class Settings {

    public static double SCENE_WIDTH = 400;
    public static double SCENE_HEIGHT = 800;

    public static double PLAYER_SPEED = 4.0;
    public static double PLAYER_HEALTH = 100.0;

    public static int ENEMY_SPAWN_RANDOMNESS = 100;


You can use any image for the sprites. I took mine from Wikipedia:



We can now put all the classes and images together into a single Java package and start the main class

The gameplay is simple: The Zombie sprites are scrolling down from top to bottom, you have to evade them by moving the Smiley sprite via the cursor keys. A "Collision" text appears when the player sprite collides with the enemy sprites. The collision detection is a simple intersection check of the rectangular area of the sprites. For the final game one could consider a per-pixel collision detection.

Here's a screenshot of how it looks like:

Have fun! I hope this helps some of you in starting to create your own game.

1 comment:

  1. Great tutorial bud, thanks a lot. I have written a few games in java and java 8, currently following your tutorial and all worked fine until i got to the top-down scrolling tutorial. I am getting a number of errors at runtime so the code will not run but compiles fine, can you show your imports for each class?


